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Impact for Breakfast #1

The first Impact for Breakfast organized by EcoVisio (the HUB of Social Entrepreneurs) was successfully held! The speakers of the event: Aina Idrisova (EcoVisio), Ana Ciurac (EEF), Evghenia Iacunina (Business Angels Moldova), Irina Aga (ODA) shared their experience from #ImpactDays22 in Vienna. 

Among the participants, there were: social entrepreneurs, representatives of non-governmental organizations, people interested in opening their own business and other social actors.

They were interested in new concepts for our country, such as: social investments, impact investments, social investors, social economy and others.

“These kinds of events are very welcome for the field of social entrepreneurship in Moldova. We hope very much that in future editions we will see more social entrepreneurs or those just starting social enterprises and facing certain problems, so that they can receive information, advice directly from the event. Including, it would be welcome to have donors here who would talk about their intention to give donations and what questions a grant should answer, for a social enterprise so that they can receive it.” – Ani?oara Bez?r?u, Centrul Contact 


“It’s my first time at such an event and I found it very interesting and interactive. I learned many new things for me and it’s very good that after the event you get to know many people, create relationships, thus new ideas appear. I am the representative of the “Copii Ploii” Association for children with rare diseases and autism, we are at the decision stage of forming a social entrepreneurship and a step-by-step guide in this direction would help us a lot.”– Angela, member of the Association Council ?Copiii Ploii?

?Creative. I didn’t know about such a program. Very pleasant atmosphere, there was no tension where you are afraid to say, that is, everything is very open. And most importantly, there is no theory, everything is in practice. We talked about what we know, what we learned or would like to know. Speakers are very good.? – Zinaida Imilianova, Tiraspol Innovation Agency

“We represent MedClub Moldova, which is a social platform, in our opinion. Where we promote health campaigns. And our first project is first aid courses, we went to schools, we had participants from certain businesses and we are open to other collaborations. We have online and offline courses. Online for people who are in the diaspora or who want to be at a distance and offline for those who want to come to us. Today, we came to the conclusion that our courses come to help the population to realize how important it is to be prepared for certain situations in life. The event brought together several entrepreneurs and we tried to learn and find out more things from their experience. Today’s event is an experience for us. A new one. We will definitely come to the 2nd edition.”  – Olimpia Gherman, fondatoarea MedClub Moldova

Impact for Breakfast is an international event format that unites active actors in the field of social economy, social investment and venture philanthropy. More details about I4B:

This event is organized within the Collaborate for Impact project, carried out by EVPA and 5 partners from the Eastern Partnership countries, represented by AO EcoVisio in the Republic of Moldova, financed by the European Union.