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Collaborate for Impact

This project is funded by the European Union?

This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of EcoVisio (Moldova) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
Moldovan team at Impact Days Vienna
Project team from all partners at Partners’ meeting in Armenia

The project ?Collaborate for Impact” ? (development of social entrepreneurship and social investments towards economic and social cohesion in the Eastern Partnership) is a unique five-year long project (2020-2025), led by the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA), with the support of the European Union, and in collaboration with partner organizations in the region’s countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova (EcoVisio), Ukraine.

The aim of the project is to develop a more favorable social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine.

This will be done through raising awareness, promotion of social innovation and exchanges with various policy and decision-making stakeholders that will ultimately lead to increasing the number of social investors, social entrepreneurs, and collaboration across the region. As a result, civil society organizations and social enterprises will benefit from social investment to become sustainable and have a positive social impact.

EcoVisio – is a grassroots non-profit organization from MOLDOVA, founded in 1999.
EcoVisio has 6 departments of intervention to create a sustainable community in Moldova: climate change, nonformal and environmental education, ecological agriculture, community building, waste management and SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP.

Social entrepreneurship is the most sustainable way to contribute to the social-economic development of our region, through self-employment and job creation, by developing products and services with a positive impact, or by orienting profits towards social needs


  • developed our own SOCIAL ENTREPRISE in the form of a training center in the village of R??cova, acting as a regional hub for practical education, ecological agriculture and construction and providing jobs for the local community;
  • create regular opportunities for social and eco-entrepreneurs to NETWORK with peers and stakeholders, to gain visibility and sell their products;
  • design educational programs as INCUBATION and ACCELERATION via trainings, mentoring and tracking to support financial and nonfinancial the growth of local social enterprises, to guide them to identify the functional business model and clear social impact;
  • develop ECOSYSTEM and COMMUNITY of changemakers and stakeholders in order to upgrade the perception of social impact, innovation, creative economy, green and social economy using instruments of ADVOCACY and RAISING AWARENESS;
  • create platform for sales and promotion of the local products and services via offline annual FAIR IARMARECO and online multivendor marketplace IARMARECO.MD

Awareness raising and promotion of social innovation

Showcases presentation of social innovation, social investment and mission driven business, to increase public recognition and understanding of the impact of social entrepreneurship

Policy dialogue
and engagement

Through policy activities and engagement with different networks, we will encourage local stakeholders to invest in advocacy efforts to shape local and national policies promoting social investment and entrepreneurship

Engaging with local social investors & social entrepreneurs

Sharing examples of other successful programs to build their capacity. Creation of the Community of potential Impact Investors and development of cases of social enterprises which are ready to attract investors


Impact Days Vienna 2022
Impact for Breakfast #1 in Moldova
Impact for Breakfast #2 – Impact Investment vs Business Angel Investment (with special guests from EVPA & Business Angels Moldova)
Impact for Breakfast #3 – Impact Funds in EaP countries (with special guest from EVPA)
Forum on Social Entrepreneurship in Moldova
(social entrepreneurship & social investment)
Video story about Social Enterprise FLOARE DE CIRES

in Moldova and in the Region (EaP countries

Partner organizations